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These are the facts you could find on
this page:
Jet, Ancient Plumbing, Ancient
Rubber, Ancient Vending Machine, Asteroid Sizes, Atmosphere's
Temperature, Best Hearing Animal, Blood Amoebas, Cellular ZIP Codes,
Clocks With Hands, Constructed
Wetlands, Coral Eater, Cosmic Dust,
Dust from Africa, Early Code
of Laws, Emperor Penguin, False
Teeth, Faster than Light, Fire Loving Beetles, First Flies,
First Planned Cities, First
Punched Cards, First Television, First True Trees, Guests in
your Cells, Half-brain Sleep, High-altitude Cat, Largest
Highlands, Largest Turtle, Life without a Nucleus, Long
Blood Vessels, Longest Burning Fire, Longest Neck, Martian Meteorites,
Metal-tailed Wasp, Most
Primitive Animal, Most Remote Island, Naked Eye Galaxy, No Tusk
Elephants, Ocean's Temperature, Oil-spitting bird, Oldest
Musical Score, Oldest Pottery, Opal
Colors, Petrified Wood, Popping
Joints, Powerful Light Microscope, Powerful Shrimp, Quasicrystals, Reverse Burning Wick, Salt
Water Tree, Smallest Genome, Solar
Sail, Sonar Robot, Speedy
Particles, Star Systems, Stinging
Nettle, Swimming Cat, Three
Eyed Crustacean, Viewing Distant Planets
"Invisible" Jet
The B-2 bomber has a wing span of 172 feet (52 meters), yet its radar
"signature" (apparent size on a radar screen) is as big as that of a bird. Not
only that, but it makes very little sound and is difficult to see, from the ground or from
the air.
The bomber's construction uses graphite composites, which trap radar waves inside the
plane, and its outer surfaces contain no flat parts and no right angles, which would
reflect radar.
The jet's hot exhaust is mixed with cool air before being released, foiling heat-seeking
missiles. Its engines are also hidden deep inside the plane, where their noise is muffled
by the structure of the aircraft. Even the plane's shape is designed to fool the eye,
making it difficult to tell whether it's coming or going.
The result is an aircraft that is able to fly deep into enemy territory without detection.
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The palace of King Minos of Knossos in Crete featured a number of early
plumbing innovations. The palace, built around 1700 BC, had tightly sealed terra cotta
drain pipes, and a large underground sewer system that discharged into the river Kairatos.
Also at the palace were some of the earliest known bathtubs, made of painted terra cotta.
Unlike today's tubs, these had no drains, and were filled and emptied by hand.
The palace was also home to the first known flushing toilet. It was a private chamber,
walled off by gypsum panels. It was flushed by rainwater, or by cisterns poured by hand.
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The ancient Mayans of Central America made rubber out of natural latex 3500
years before the modern process of vulcanization was invented. They played games with
rubber balls and used rubber bands to attach axe heads to their handles.
The Mayans made latex, which is the sap of rubber trees (Castilla elastica), into
flexible, durable rubber by mixing it with the juice of morning glory vines (Ipomoea
alba). The mixture developed molecular cross-links that made the latex elastic, and
removed substances that caused the rubber to turn brittle. The resulting rubber was black
and bouncy, with a texture like a pencil eraser.
The Mayans used balls made out of this rubber to play a game called Ulama, something like
a cross between tennis, basketball, and soccer. The game had deep religious significance.
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Ancient Vending Machine
You might think that coin operated vending machines were invented during the
industrial revolution, but actually the first one was installed in ancient Greece around
215 BC.
Its inventor was a mechanical genius named Hero of Alexandria, who came up with a way to
dispense holy water in return for one of the Greek coins used in those days. The heavy
coin would drop onto a lever, causing a cork to be pulled out of a spigot just long enough
to release a trickle of holy water.
Since then, vending machine technology has advanced quite a bit. Today's machines contain
microprocessors that use sophisticated software to detect even the tiniest deviation from
the expected weight and size of genuine coins.
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Asteroids are rocky or metallic bodies that orbit the sun, mostly between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter. There are probably more than a million of them. Most asteroids
are smaller than a medium-size city, and the vast majority are just boulders or pebbles.
The largest asteroid is Ceres, which is at least 580 miles (930 kilometers) across. The
mass of Ceres is just a bit more than 1/100 of the mass of the moon, and probably about
one quarter of the mass of all the asteroids combined.
The second largest asteroid is Pallas, with less than half of the mass of Ceres. Vesta is
the third largest, but is much brighter than Ceres or Pallas.
Are asteroids the smashed debris of an ancient planet, or are they uncombined leftovers of
the time when the planets formed? Closer examination of more asteroids by upcoming robot
missions may help answer the question.
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Atmosphere's Temperature
Moving away from the Earth's surface, air temperature decreases steadily to a
low of around -63 degrees Celsius (-81 degrees Fahrenheit) at around 15-20 kilometers
(9-12 miles). The temperature decreases because lower layers are warmed by contact with
the ground, which absorbs much more solar energy than the air does.
Above that layer, the air warms to about 0 degrees C (32 degrees F), at 50 kilometers (31
miles). Air at that height is warmer because a layer of ozone molecules absorbs the sun's
ultraviolet light.
Above the ozone layer is another cold layer, but then the temperature soars to over 2,000
degrees C (3632 degrees F) in the thermosphere, above about 130 kilometers (81 miles). It
remains hot right out into interplanetary space.
Why is the thermosphere so hot? Because the very thin air at that height is stirred up by
the solar wind, a constant sleet of high- energy particles flying out of the sun, and
because the few remaining oxygen molecules absorb the sun's light.
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Hearing Animal
The best ears of all land animals are those of the barn owl. Even though its
ears are not directly visible, it can pick up the faint sounds of a mouse walking across a
log from hundreds of feet away. It can then home in on it and snatch it up in pitch
How does a barn owl hear so well? Its face, which is largely shaped by the feathers around
its eyes, forms a parabolic dish shape that funnels the sound to its ears. The owl can
open or close the dish by moving the feathers, to improve the reception or protect the
ears from loud sounds.
Its ears are also placed asymmetrically, with one ear high up near the owl's forehead and
the other lower down, about level with the bird's nostrils. This odd placement helps the
bird locate the exact source of faint sounds.
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Your body contains cells that look and act very much like amoebas. Certain
kinds of leukocytes, or white blood cells, cling to the walls of arteries and veins,
moving around by extending pseudopods and flowing along.
The most common white blood cells are called neutrophils. Trillions of them are created
every day by the bone marrow and released into the blood. They are attracted to substances
that are present at the sites of injury or infection. Once they arrive, they engulf
bacteria, dead cells, and other debris.
The largest white blood cells are the macrophages, which specialize to clean up various
tissues and organs. One kind of macrophage eats dead neutrophils.
There are many other kinds of white blood cells. All of them are part of the human immune
system, which keeps the body free of infections.
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ZIP Codes
It's not enough for a living cell to manufacture protein molecules (the
building blocks and active agents in every cell). It must also put the newly built
proteins into the right places where they can do their jobs. How do new protein molecules
get where they belong?
Many newly-made proteins bear molecular "tags" that are not part of the final
molecule. These tags are special coded markers. Each marker directs the cell to carry the
protein molecule to a specific place, much the same way that a ZIP code directs the Post
Office to deliver envelopes to specific addresses. When the protein molecule arrives at
its destination the tag is removed.
No one knows exactly how the molecules are carried within the cell, but biotechnology
companies are already making use of the discovery by engineering plants to produce new
proteins and deliver them to desired parts of their cells.
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With Hands
The first known mechanical clocks in Europe were built in the thirteenth century, but they
did not have a circular dial or pointers to show the time. These primitive timekeepers had
bells or other noisemakers that sounded approximately once every hour.
The first clocks with pointers (hands) were made in the fourteenth century. Those early
dial clocks had only one hand, the hour hand. The idea of measuring time more accurately
than that was ridiculous in those days, because the clocks were not accurate enough to
make it worthwhile.
Although Jost Burgi invented the first clock with a minute hand in 1577, it was not until
the invention of the pendulum-regulated clock in 1657 that a minute hand became practical,
and second hands were not used until the eighteenth century.
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Instead of building expensive, difficult-to-maintain sewage treatment plants,
some cities are now building "constructed wetlands" to treat their waste water.
Sewage and street runoff, both of which can carry high amounts of harmful chemicals as
well as hazardous bacteria, are allowed to filter through artificially created swamplands,
where the healthy, living ecosystem removes and detoxifies all the contaminants. By the
time the water flows out of the wetlands, it is clean and pure, suitable for release into
rivers, lakes, or the ocean.
The world has lost much of its wetlands ecosystems due to human activities. Now, in some
places, wetlands are being recreated as an important part of the natural cycle, and a
valuable resource for humans as well.
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The parrotfish is a reef dweller that takes bites out of rock-hard corals, and
pulverizes the stony material with its hard beak. It swallows the resulting mixture of
coral sand, algae, and living coral polyps.
By breaking off chunks of coral, the parrotfish plays an important role in the coral reef
ecosystem. It removes surface algae, which might otherwise completely swallow up the reef.
The chewed-up coral sand passes through the fish and is released, to fall in drifts
between the reefs. It slowly dissolves, and becomes available for use by growing corals.
Although the parrotfish chews up living corals, it is no threat to the coral reefs.
However, overfishing of parrotfishes by humans is a threat. In some places, parrotfish are
now protected from fishing, to preserve the ecological balance of the reefs.
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Every year, about 33,000 tons (30 million kilograms) of dust falls into Earth's
atmosphere and settles down to the surface of the planet. The largest of these particles
would just barely be visible without a microscope, and most are far smaller.
Most of the dust comes from a belt called the zodiacal cloud, which is formed by
evaporation from comets, colliding asteroids, and a few other sources. This diffuse band
of dust is the cause of the "zodiacal light," a faint glow of reflected sunlight
that can sometimes be seen just before dawn or after sunset, if the sky is very dark and
A small amount of cosmic dust comes from outside the solar system. Although they are rare,
particles of extra-solar dust are important to science because they reveal what conditions
are like in interstellar space.
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from Africa
Because of the strong, persistent trade winds that blow across the equatorial
Atlantic Ocean, each year millions of tons of reddish-brown dust from Africa settle over
Florida, sometimes forming a thin coating on cars and other surfaces. These fine dust
particles make it hard for some Florida cities to meet federal clean air standards.
The dust is swept up from the Sahara Desert during dust storms. It can rise as high as
15,000 feet (4,600 meters) before it gets carried out to sea.
While the clouds of dust cross the Atlantic Ocean, most of the large particles fall out
and sink into the water. But the smallest remain aloft, sometimes causing hazy skies and
health problems for Floridians.
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Code of Laws
One of the oldest known legal systems was the Code of Hammurabi, who was the
King of Babylon around 2500 BC. It was a written record of the "Sumerian Family
Laws," a system of socially agreed rules and penalties that had been in common
practice for hundreds of years before Hammurabi's time.
The Code described and regulated three classes of people: the amelu (patricians, nobility,
and professionals), the muskinu (free commoners), and the ardu (slaves, mostly). There was
a strict system of justice, with different rules for the different classes.
Hammurabi's code is a complete legal document, containing 282 specific rules. Unlike
today's legal documents, it is preceded and followed by extensive invocations of the gods
and recitations of the greatness of Hammurabi.
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Emperor penguins brood their eggs by holding them on their feet. The single egg
is protected from the Antarctic cold by a fold of loose skin called the brood patch.
Unlike other penguins, emperors brood their young during the cold, dark winter months. The
female lays one egg, passes it to the male, then travels out to sea, where she feeds for
about nine weeks. Meanwhile, the male stands still and does not eat, weathering
temperatures as low as -65 degrees Fahrenheit (-54 degrees Centigrade).
When the female returns, she takes over, receiving the just-hatched chick from the hungry
male, who goes out to sea. While he is gone, the chick is fed and raised by the mother
penguin. By the time the sea-ice begins to break up, the penguin chick is ready to fend
for itself.
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The Etruscans in Italy were the first people known to build and use false
teeth. As early as 700 BC they were constructing ivory or bone teeth, secured with
bridgework made out of gold, good enough to eat with. Such sophisticated work was not seen
again until the 1800s.
In the 1700s false teeth were secured to any remaining original teeth or held in place by
spring-loaded mechanisms. The latter sometimes resulted in embarrassing accidents, as sets
of teeth might suddenly pop out, springing into the air. Such cumbersome dentures had to
be removed during eating, since they were not designed for chewing.
Today crowns (false teeth cemented to existing teeth) and dentures are far more
comfortable and practical. It is even possible to implant artificial teeth directly into
the jaw.
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than Light
Very radioactive elements are surrounded by a deep, blue glow when they are
submerged in water. The glow, which is called Cerenkov radiation, is produced by
high-energy, electrically charged particles moving faster than light.
Isn't faster than light travel impossible? The speed of light in a vacuum is an ultimate
limit, but when light travels through a dense medium like water, it slows down. If a
matter particle travels fast enough in such a medium, it can leave light photons behind.
Such a particle trails a "wake" of light as it penetrates the medium. The wake
is similar to the shock wave that follows an airplane moving faster than sound. The faster
the particle travels, the sharper (brighter) the wake becomes, and the smaller the average
wavelength of light in the wake.
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Loving Beetles
Most creatures flee in panic from forest fires, but one kind of beetle deliberately flies
toward them. The beetle is called Melanophila, in the family Buprestidae. Its name means
"lover of blackness" because it seeks charred wood.
These beetles lay their eggs on burnt wood that has recently been killed by a forest fire.
They can detect fires from as far away as 20 kilometers (12 miles) by using special
infrared sensillae (sensory organs) on their thorax (mid-section). They are especially
attracted by the wavelengths of infrared light that correspond to the temperature of
burning wood.
There are other insects that can detect infrared light, such as bloodsucking bugs that
seek warm-blooded hosts. But only Melanophila is known to seek out fire.
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The first true flies were Tanyderid crane flies that flew 225 million years ago. They
looked something like today's mosquitoes, and their larvae lived in swamp mud or wet sand.
Crane flies appeared during the Triassic Period, when the first large dinosaurs were
alive. Since then, the true flies (members of the order Diptera) have evolved into over
100,000 different species, on every continent. Flies are the most widespread insects on
the planet.
Today, the most primitive crane flies are quite rare, but other kinds of crane flies that
evolved more recently are more common. Maybe you have seen them attracted to lights at
night, like huge mosquitoes with extremely long legs.
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Planned Cities
The first system of planned public works was invented and described by the
Greek Hippodamus, who redesigned his own city, Miletus, after it was destroyed by the
Hippodamus divided his cities into three sections, for religious, administrative, and
commercial uses. He believed that city design was an art, and that mathematical laws of
balance and proportion were important.
Hippodamus invented the concept of "city blocks." Streets were laid out in
regular grids for efficiency. His cities had systems to deliver water and dispose of
sewage and garbage.
New Greek cities took on his distinctive look, and existing cities were redesigned and
rebuilt. Later, the Romans embraced and extended his ideas in their own ambitious public
works projects.
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Punched Cards
The first punched data cards were invented before there were any computers in
the world. They were used in the Jacquard Loom, a weaving machine invented in 1801 by
Joseph-Marie Jacquard.
The cards were carried in linked chains, and they controlled the weaving pattern by
influencing the position of the needles. Small sensing pins detected the presence or
absence of holes in the cards, and determined whether or not a needle would pick up a
On seeing Jacquard's punched card system, the mathematician Charles Babbage was inspired
to use the same principles to design a mechanical calculating machine, the forerunner of
modern computers.
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The first television was created by John Logie Baird, a Scottish engineer. In
1924 he built a working, mechanically-scanned television out of cardboard, scrap wood,
needles and string, among other materials.
Baird was a driven inventor and researcher. For years he battled ill health, poor funding,
and inadequate technology. Among his greatest challenges were amplification of the tiny
electrical signals from the camera's photocells and the problem of synchronizing the
signals so that a recognizable image could be produced.
His first working prototype was called the "Televisor." It was a rickety
assembly glued together with sealing wax, but it worked. With it, he was able to transmit
the profile of a Maltese cross several yards away, to a receiver where the image was
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True Trees
Imagine a tree shaped like a modern pine tree, but with leaves like a fern.
That's something like Archaeopteris, the first true trees. These primitive but very
successful plants formed extensive forests in the late Devonian Period, 370 million years
ago when simple amphibians were crawling onto land.
A mature Archaeopteris was about 20 meters tall (65 feet). It had a straight, woody trunk
with horizontal branches. The lowest branches were deciduous, meaning they died and fell
off like those of some of today's pine trees. Unlike today's trees, Archaeopteris
reproduced by shedding spores into the wind.
What made Archaeopteris so successful? It was apparently the first plant to solve the
problem of supporting large branches with cross-braced woody tissues and dove-tail joints.
Cross-sections of its trunks show annual growth rings just like today's trees.
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in your Cells
Inside of most non-bacterial cells, there are self-reproducing parts that
perform vital functions. These small parts were originally free-living cells, but they
took up residence inside of other cells millions of years ago. Almost every cell in your
body contains these "guest cells."
In animal and plant cells, there are tiny compartments called mitochondria that break down
sugar molecules, and make the sugar's energy available to the rest of the cell. Most plant
cells also harbor chloroplasts, which contain the molecular machinery to build sugar
molecules, using the sun's light for energy.
Both kinds of organelles (sub-parts of a cell) reproduce themselves by copying their DNA
molecules and dividing in two, just like bacteria. Like bacteria, they make their own
proteins and feed on molecules from their environment (the inside of the host cell).
The arrangement has proved to be a great success, both for the host cells, which receive
valuable services, and for the internal guests, which are fed and sheltered from the outer
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Many kinds of birds sleep with only one half of their brain at a time, keeping one eye
open and one eye closed. They alternate which half of their brain is awake and which half
is asleep.
A recent study suggests that the reason is simple: the birds are literally keeping an eye
out for predators. Birds that are on the edge of the flock are much more likely to sleep
this way, and the eye that is open usually faces out into the area surrounding the flock.
That way predators cannot approach without being seen.
Birds are not the only animals that sleep this way. Dolphins and other sea-mammals sleep
with only half their brains, but for a different reason: they need to remember to swim to
the surface to get a breath of air.
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The highest mountains in the world are habitat to the beautiful snow leopards
(Panthera uncia). They live in the steep, rugged heights of the Tibetan Plateau, at
altitudes up to 18,000 feet (5500 meters). There may be as many as 6,000 snow leopards
remaining in the wild.
Snow leopards are strong, graceful animals, with luxurious, soft fur. Their pelt shows the
typical leopard spots, shaped like rosettes or pawprints, on a white or light gray
background with a slight yellowish tinge. In winter, the coat is much lighter, sometimes
nearly white.
These big cats are well-adapted to their mountain habitat. They are expert jumpers and
climbers, able to leap as far as 50 feet (15 meters) and land accurately on a small ledge
or rock. Their long, densely furred tails help them balance.
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The Tibetan Plateau of Asia includes over two million square kilometers
(780,000 square miles) of land, with an average elevation of over 5000 meters (16,400
feet), making it the largest uplifted area on Earth. It is surrounded by some of the
highest, most deeply eroded mountain ranges on the planet.
14 million years ago, the plateau was even higher. It was formed about 50 million years
ago by the collision of what is now India with the Eurasian continent. That slow, powerful
collision pushed up the Himalayas, and lifted the Tibetan Plateau. Even today, India still
moves north about five centimeters (two inches) each year.
The elevation of the plateau caused massive changes in the planetary climate, including
the annual monsoon pattern, which brings seasonal floods and droughts to southeast Asia.
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The largest living species of turtle is the ocean-going leatherback.
Individuals of this species can be over 2 meters (6.5 feet) long, and weigh hundreds of
kilograms. The largest one ever recorded was a male weighing 916 kilograms (2,020 pounds).
They can dive deeper than any other turtles.
Unlike other sea turtles, the leatherback does not have hard, bony plates on its back.
Instead, it has a flexible, leathery surface. Another unique leatherback feature is their
body temperature, which can be several degrees warmer than the water, giving them a
distinct advantage in colder climates.
Leatherbacks are gentle creatures that like to eat jellyfish and other soft-bodied prey.
Like many kinds of marine turtles, they are endangered by human fishing activities, and
their critical seashore nesting places are also threatened by development and pollution.
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Life without a Nucleus
Most living cells contain a nucleus, a semi-enclosed compartment where the
cell's DNA (genetic material) is stored, but bacteria just have a single, looped DNA
molecule, tangled into a mass called the nucleoid.
Bacteria are the simplest life forms on Earth, and the most ancient. There are no
sub-compartments inside bacterial cells, just a rich, syrupy liquid, thick with enzymes
and other organic molecules.
Bacteria prosper by growing and dividing as fast as possible. Because they are small and
simple, they can be fast and hardy. If the environment is good, the population of some
bacteria can double in 20 minutes.
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Blood Vessels
If you could stretch out all of a human's blood vessels, they would be more
than long enough to go around the world twice. There are over 62,000 miles (99,780
kilometers) of veins, arteries, and capillaries inside of each of us.
The thickest are as thick as a forefinger, while the thinnest, which are called
capillaries, are as thin as a hair. By far the largest part of the total length is the
length of the capillaries.
Arteries (which carry blood away from the heart) and veins (which carry blood back to the
heart) are not just simple tubes. Their walls are lined with muscles that squeeze the
blood inside, providing part of the blood pressure (the rest is provided by the heart).
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Burning Fire
The oldest known continuously burning fire is an underground coal fire in New
South Wales, Australia. This fire apparently started over 2,000 years ago when lightning
struck a large coal seam at a point where it reached the surface of the earth. Today the
fire is more than 500 feet (152 meters) underground, and is still slowly eating away at
the coal
There are also long-burning coal fires in the eastern USA and in China. These fires were
started by lightning or by accidents in coal mines. Some towns have been evacuated because
of the danger of collapse as the underground coal seams slowly burn away.
Underground coal fires are almost impossible to put out. They burn very slowly, using up
the scant oxygen in the depths, but not going out because they stay very hot. Despite
their slow burn rates, underground coal fires are so extensive that they are estimated to
produce 2-3% of the world's carbon dioxide output.
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The longest known neck was that of the dinosaur Mamenchisaurus. Its neck could
be as long as 15 meters (49 feet), seven and a half times as long as a giraffe's neck. The
whole dinosaur could be as long as 26 meters (85 feet) and might weigh as much as ten
metric tons.
Mamenchisaurus necks contained 19 vertebrae, more than any other known dinosaur. A
giraffe's neck contains only seven vertebrae.
Memenchisaurus was related to the Diplodocus, another huge dinosaur. Both were herbivores
that used their long necks to get at vegetation without having to move their bodies very
much. Mamenchisaurus lived during the late Jurassic Period, about 140 million years ago.
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Analysis of the chemical composition of some meteorites suggests that they may
be pieces of the planet Mars. They were probably thrown into space during large asteroid
impacts on Mars, and may have spent millions of years in orbit before falling onto the
In 1996, tiny fossil-like structures, smaller than bacteria, were discovered inside one of
these Mars rocks. There is debate about whether these cylindrical capsules were once
living cells.
Is there life on Mars? The presence on Earth of Martian meteorites may have given us a
rare, close-up look at Martian chemistry, but we still have no certain answers about
Martian life forms.
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Female parasitic ichneumon [ik-NOO-mun] wasps have egg-laying organs
(ovipositors) that are reinforced with ionized manganese or zinc. They need the strength
of the metal because they must bore through solid, dry wood to deposit their eggs.
When an ichneumon wasp detects that there is a beetle grub making its characteristic
chewing vibrations deep within a dead tree limb, she uses her hard, sharp ovipositor to
dig into the wood, sometimes as deep as three inches (7.5 cm). When she reaches the
chamber where the beetle grub lives, she drops the egg.
Later, the wasp larva (having consumed the beetle grub) chews its way out through the wood
using metal-reinforced jaws.
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Primitive Animal
In the animal kingdom, the most primitive multicellular forms are the sponges,
members of the phylum Porifera. These animals have been around since just before the
Cambrian Period, more than 500 million years ago. Today there are about 5,000 known
species of sponges.
Sponges do not possess any distinct organs, but instead have cells of various types
responsible for bodily functions. This porous mesh of cells, like a living filter, is
designed to trap tiny, floating life forms. It does not move, but pulls water through
itself, filtering out microscopic life forms, which its cells engulf.
The simplest sponges can spontaneously reconstruct themselves after being torn apart into
individual cells. The cells move together and build a body much like the old one, but with
the individual cells in different places.
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Remote Island
The volcanic island group of Tristan da Cunha is 1,180 miles (1,900 km) from
the nearest neighbor, the island of St. Helena. It is in the South Atlantic Ocean between
the southern tips of Africa and South America. There are five islands in the Tristan da
Cunha archipelago, but only the main island of Tristan is inhabited.
The islands are surrounded by deep waters on all sides. Tristan's highest point is a
volcano that erupted in 1961. Below the volcano is a small but fertile shelf of land,
where potatoes and other crops can be grown. Around the rest of the island, high cliffs
face the sea.
Tristan was discovered in 1506 by a Portuguese explorer named Tristao d'Acunha, but he was
not able to land there. Permanent settlement began in 1810. Fewer than three hundred
people live there today, farming potatoes and catching "crawdads" (rock
lobsters) in the waters around the island.
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Eye Galaxy
The nearest major galaxy outside of our own Milky Way Galaxy is the Andromeda
Galaxy, which is 2.5 million light years away. Andromeda Galaxy is the most distant object
that can be seen without a telescope.
Andromeda Galaxy is so faint that it can only be seen on the darkest of nights, when the
air is very clear. It is a dim smudge of light in the northern sky, about as wide as the
full moon. With the help of a good telescope, Andromeda can be seen as a beautiful spiral,
tilted at about a 60 degree angle. It contains hundreds of billions of stars, but from
this great distance they merge into a soft fuzz.
When you look at Andromeda Galaxy, you are seeing light that has been traveling across
empty space for more than two million years. You are seeing Andromeda Galaxy as it was
before the first humans walked on the planet Earth.
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Tusk Elephants
Ivory poachers in Africa have provided a dramatic demonstration of how
evolution works. By killing only those elephants that bear large, valuable tusks, they
have allowed elephants with smaller tusks or none at all to multiply.
A survey conducted in Uganda's Queen Elizabeth National Park found that up to 30 percent
of the elephants had no tusks, up from one percent in the 1930s, and many of the rest had
greatly reduced tusks. The same trend is happening all over Africa, as a result of
selective culling by poachers.
Elephants use their tusks to help them tear apart vegetation, dig in the ground for
important dietary minerals, and to help them compete for mates. Without tusks, they are
forced to rely on other sources for food and minerals, and their mating process must
Researchers believe that the elephant population is on the rise again after years of
severe poaching.
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Sound travels faster in warm water than in cold water. By measuring the time it
takes for sound to travel a known distance through the ocean, the average temperature of
the water can be calculated with great accuracy. The technique is called acoustic
thermometry of ocean climate (ATOC).
It takes sound about an hour to travel through 5,000 miles (8050 km) of ocean. On the way,
it is continually refocused by the structure of warm and cold layers of water at different
depths, so that the signal remains strong.
In a recent experiment, high-intensity, low-frequency sounds (fewer than 100 cycles per
second) were generated at Pioneer Seamount in the Pacific Ocean, 939 meters (3081 feet)
deep. Later, the sound was picked up by microphones at Hawaii, Christmas Island, and New
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It is best to keep well clear of the nests of the fulmar, a seabird that is
capable of spitting a foul-smelling, yellowish oil at nest intruders. The oil comes from
the bird's stomach. The bird can send the oil as far as 1.5 meters (5 feet) with great
Fulmars are related to albatrosses and petrels, in the order Procellariiformes. Most birds
in this group produce stomach oil and feed it to their young, but only the fulmar spits it
at intruders.
Even when they are not spitting oil, fulmars and their close relatives are malodorous
creatures. Every part of the bird emits a strong, musky odor, even the eggs. Giant petrel
egg shells that have been in a museum for 100 years still smell.
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Musical Score
In Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra) in Syria, an ancient tablet was discovered in the
1950s dating back to 1400 BC. The oldest known musical score, it takes the form of
interval names and number signs, and even has lyrics. The text is identified as a hymn to
the moon goddess Nikkal.
There is some controversy among ancient musicologists over the proper interpretation of
the notes, but all agree that it is a genuine musical score. The markings were made in
cuneiform (wedge-shaped symbols) in the Hurrian language, and there is an exact
correspondence between the syllables of the text and the musical notes.
The find was especially interesting because it overturned conventional views of ancient
music, showing that the diatonic (7-note) scale and musical harmony were in use more than
a thousand years earlier than was thought.
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The oldest known pottery (vessels and other objects made out of fired clay) was
made in Japan about 12,700 years ago, at the beginning of the Jomon period of Japanese
Jomon means "marked with a rope," a reference to the distinctive surface
patterns of some Jomon pottery. Braided rope was wrapped around the objects before they
were fired, or rope-like strands of clay were added for a decorative trim.
The red-brown, unglazed pottery from this time was fired in only the most primitive ways,
sometimes just an open fire. Although the methods were primitive, some Jomon pottery was
very ornate, with highly sculptured rims and elaborate, detailed patterns.
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Opal is one of the few gemstones that is not a crystal. Although it's made of
silica (silicon dioxide), the same compound as quartz and agate, the molecules are not
arranged in crystalline order.
Opal is made of millions of extremely tiny spheres of silica molecules, loosely packed
together, with water molecules between them. The water content can be as high as 10%.
The colors come from the interaction between light and the silica spheres. If the spheres
are almost the same size, they tend to pack into semi-regular patterns that diffract
light, the same way a peacock's feather does. Each opal shows its own unique colored
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Petrified wood is wood that has turned to stone. Usually it is millions of
years old. Often it shows beautiful colors that were not present in the original wood. How
does wood turn to stone?
When wood dies it begins decaying immediately. To become petrified it must be quickly
covered by a layer of volcanic ash, mud, or other material that excludes oxygen, thus
preventing it from decaying.
If conditions are right, the organic part of the wood dissolves slowly, and at the same
time minerals replace the organic matter, duplicating its structure exactly. The mineral
replacement can be silica, calcite, pyrite, or marcasite.
The colors are caused by impurities in the replacing mineral. The most common impurity is
iron, which causes red, orange, or yellow colors. Manganese or copper can cause blue,
black, or green colors.
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Do a deep knee bend, and it's very likely you'll hear popping sounds coming
from your knee joints. There are also popping sounds when you "crack your
knuckles." What causes the popping sounds? Actually, there are two kinds of sounds.
The joints in your fingers are enclosed in capsules that contain a lubricating fluid. When
the joint is moved near the end of its range, gas that is dissolved in the joint fluid
suddenly comes out of solution, forming a small bubble and making the popping noise. The
joint can't be "popped" again until the gas redissolves.
The knee-bending sounds are most likely made by tendons (fibers that connect muscles and
bones) that snap into new positions when the joint moves under stress. This kind of
popping noise can be repeated many times, because the tendons shift back and forth as the
joint moves.
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Powerful Light Microscope
The light microscope that can see the smallest details is the laser scanning
confocal microscope (LSCM). It's a sophisticated combination of a laser, a computer, and
advanced optics.
The LSCM eliminates one of the biggest sources of optical "noise" in ordinary
microscopes: light from parts of the image that are not in focus. Instead of creating the
whole image all at once, a confocal microscope aims a tiny spot of light at the subject,
scanning it like the beam of electrons used in a scanning electron microscope.
The result is an image that shows much smaller details than traditional light microscope
images. There are other devices, like electron microscopes, which achieve much greater
magnification than the LSCM. Nevertheless, LSCM images sometimes show information that is
impossible to see with any other microscope.
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The predatory mantis shrimp catches its prey by stunning it with a sudden chop
from its claws. The striking force is so great that some kinds of mantis shrimp can't be
kept in ordinary aquariums, because they easily break the glass with their powerful claws.
The claws of the mantis shrimp are among the fastest-moving animal parts known. The force
of impact can be almost as large as a bullet fired from a gun. Divers call mantis shrimp
"thumb splitters," and there are divers who have lost fingers or thumbs to the
shrimp's ferocious chop.
Mantis shrimp are voracious predators. If they are kept in a community tank with fish, all
the fish will eventually be eaten by the shrimp.
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Almost all known crystals are solids formed by a repeating "unit
cells": three dimensional patterns of atoms or molecules. But there's a kind of
crystal that does not have repeating unit cells.
A quasicrystal is a solid made out of identical unit cells that form a non-periodic
(non-repeating) pattern. Although the patterns of unit cells do not repeat, the
quasicrystal still shows regular faces. Most quasicrystals show icosahedral (five-fold)
symmetry, which is never seen in ordinary crystals. The first quasicrystals were
discovered in 1982, and now many kinds are known.
Quasicrystals are examples of "Penrose tesselations," patterns made from
identical shapes that cannot be assembled into a repeating arrangement. They are named
after Roger Penrose, a mathematician who discovered the first nonperiodic patterns.
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Burning Wick
If you watch candles you might sometimes notice small extensions that grow out
of the end of the wick. They are made out of amorphous carbon, a very fine powdery form of
the element, and they are unbelievably fragile. Big ones can reach all the way out to the
inside edge of the flame. The biggest ones are often shaped like a horn, with a flat
surface facing out. The outer edges often glow red.
These extensions of the wick can temporarily increase its length by as much as three
millimeters (1/10 inch). They form because the space just inside the flame is a reducing
zone. Instead of oxidizing and burning, the vaporized carbon in that zone condenses onto
any solid object, including the wick itself. If conditions are steady the horn-shaped
growths can appear spontaneously.
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Water Tree
Mangrove trees are specially adapted to live at the shores of salt water lagoons with
their roots actually submerged in the salt water. They grow in tropical regions around the
world. Mangroves are also called "walking trees" because of the tall, stilt-like
"prop roots" that keep their branches and leaves up high, out of the water.
Salt water is challenging for flowering plants, because it interferes with the plant's
ability to stay crisp and firm. Some kinds of mangroves shed extra salt by forcing it out
through their leaves. Others prevent the salt from entering their roots, so they pull only
fresh water into their branches and leaves.
The mangrove forest is a fascinating, unique ecosystem. The tree's roots provide shelter
and attachment points for a wide variety of marine creatures, and many kinds of birds live
among the branches.
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A bacterium of the genus Mycoplasma has the smallest number of genes of any known
self-reproducing organism. (Some viruses have fewer genes, but they need to use another
cell's DNA machinery to reproduce.)
Mycoplasma's DNA was recently sequenced (spelled out in detail). It contains only about
470 genes, meaning that Mycoplasma can make at most only 470 different kinds of proteins
within its cells. Most bacteria can make thousands of kinds of proteins, and human cells
can make hundreds of thousands.
Because Mycoplasma is a parasite, it can steal many important substances from its host, so
it doesn't need to make the proteins that the host uses to make those substances. Over
millions of years, the genes that code for those proteins have disappeared from its DNA.
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Solar Sail
For years spacecraft designers have been toying with the idea of using sunlight
the way a sailboat uses the wind. Now NASA and other organizations are funding development
projects for solar sail spacecraft.
A solar sail spacecraft uses the small but steady pressure of light against a huge, very
thin reflective membrane. It can use the sun's light, or it might use the light of a
powerful laser aimed at it from Earth. By angling the sail it can control its path across
the solar system.
Light pushes on the solar sail by changing the movement of electrons in the surface. The
best solar sails are mirrors that bounce the light right back the way it came. Solar sails
won't be as fast as traditional spacecraft, but their sunlight energy source is free and
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"Rodolph" (short for "robotic dolphin") is a specialized
robot that can "see" detailed images using sonar. Its sonar vision is so precise
that it can tell whether a coin is showing heads or tails.
The robot has electrostatic transducers that emit and receive sound waves. The receivers
are mounted in movable "ears" that swivel to aim at the object being examined.
The ears and emitter are mounted on a movable arm, so that the whole robot can aim in
different directions. The robot's inventor, Yale professor Roman Kuc, says the next step
is to give the robot a mobile body so that it can explore its environment.
Sonar vision is simpler in some ways than vision by light. Sonar images are
three-dimensional, which might make them good for uses such as security devices, like a
device to recognize people by the exact shape of their face.
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The fastest known matter particles are ultra-high energy cosmic rays. These are
mostly atomic nuclei of various elements, which come zipping down into the Earth's
atmosphere at nearly the speed of light.
Cosmic ray energies are measured in electron volts. One electron volt is the amount of
energy that an electron gains when it moves across an electric field of one volt. The
fastest cosmic rays can carry more than 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one hundred
quintillion) electron volts of energy.
How much energy is that? Pick up a rock about the size of your fist, and throw it as hard
as you can. This gives the rock roughly the same energy as a single cosmic ray particle
When such a super-particle crashes into the atmosphere, it explodes into an "air
shower" of thousands of less energetic particles. The air shower can be detected from
the ground by the faint light it emits.
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Most stars belong to double (binary) or multiple systems, in which two, three, or even
more stars orbit around each other. Orbital periods range from hours to centuries,
depending on the masses of the stars and distances between them.
The closest-orbiting binaries are called contact binaries. In these very fast-orbiting
pairs, the two stars actually touch. Each member of a contact binary system is shaped like
a pear, with the small end touching the other star. They may actually exchange mass at the
point of contact.
There are many multiple star systems with four, five, or even more members. Clusters of
stars exist, numbering in the tens or hundreds, and there are also much larger
"globular clusters," which can contain hundreds of thousands of stars.
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If you've ever brushed up against a stinging nettle plant (Urtica dioica), you
know how painful the resulting welts can be. How does the nettle inflict such pain from
such light contact?
Many kinds of plants have leaves or stems that are covered with thousands of tiny, sharp
hairs, but those of the stinging nettle are more than just sharp. They are like tiny
hypodermic syringes, pressure-loaded with a caustic solution of formic acid.
When one of the nettle's tiny needles pushes against you, it pops a tiny burst of formic
acid into your skin where it quickly invades delicate cells, causing them to swell up
painfully. Age-old remedies are to quickly slather the painful zone with cool mud, or to
rub with the juice of dock, mint, or the nettle itself.
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Although most cats can swim if they are forced to, they generally avoid water.
But tigers love the water, and are able to swim for several miles.
Throughout most of their range, tigers face extinction. But there is one place where their
numbers are increasing: the swampy mangrove forests of the Sunderbans in West Bengal,
India. There, the water-loving cats use the braided streams and river channels as
highways, expertly navigating through the maze of mangrove thickets. Humans who hunt in
the Sunderbans must remain constantly alert for marauding tigers that attack from the
water -- the great predators sometimes kill people.
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Eyed Crustacean
The aquatic crustacean Triops (the name means "three eyes") in the
subclass Branchiopoda has three eyes. It has two ordinary compound eyes, and between them
a third simple eye. This is the nauplius eye, which is retained from the larval stage.
Triops are also known as phyllopods or tadpole shrimp.
Triops is a very ancient life form. Fossils have been found from the Permian Period, more
than 250 million years ago. In those days, primitive reptiles and amphibians walked on
land, but the dinosaurs had not yet evolved.
Triops can be a pest in rice paddies, where the finger-size creatures dig in the mud. They
have a shell-like cover over the front of the body, as many as 71 pairs of legs, and a
forked tail.
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Viewing Distant Planets
It's about as easy to see a planet around another star as it is to see a candle
flame next to a searchlight from many miles away. The star's light drowns out the planet,
and the planet is lost in the glare.
By a method called nulling interferometry, astronomers can optically remove most of the
light of the star, leaving the planet's light undimmed. In infrared light, in which
planets are relatively bright, a planet might be visible.
The method works by using two mirrors to create one image. One mirror is adjusted so the
light travels very slightly farther to make the image. Light waves from the star are
canceled out, but light from the planet gets through.
Several observatories are beginning to explore the idea, and a space- based nulling
interferometer is under design. If there are planets like Earth out there, we may soon be
able to see some of them.
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